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8 reasons why you should travel to India!

It's often said about India that you either love the country or hate it. However, India remains a unique experience. Below we share 8 reasons why we think you should travel to India at least once in your life

1. The diversity

India is almost as big as whole of Europe and because of this there is a lot of diversity. From large busy cities to small villages, from the Himalayas to the dry desert and from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity. Every place in India is unique and because of this there is plenty to discover, but you can also learn a lot from how people live together here. Did you know that there are more than 100 different languages and even thousands of dialects of all these in India?

2. Sightseeing

Because it is such a large country, you will also find thousands of beautiful sights, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal. But almost every area has beautiful temples, palaces and fortresses. Furthermore, it is highly recommended to go on safari and the street life in India itself is a major attraction. One thing is for sure, you will never be bored!

3. Street life

As I said, the street life in India is already a big attraction in itself, life goes on here 24/7 and there is always something to see. The crowds, smells and sounds will stay with you for a long time when you return home. It is important to mention that this is mainly in the big cities and because India is so big, there are also plenty of places where you can find peace and quiet. Did you know that India is less densely populated than the Netherlands?

4. The food

Food in India is fantastic, and that's an understatement due to the flavors and possible options. From the well-known curries, naan and samosa to some unknown snacks and breakfast dishes, everything is equally delicious! However, do pay attention to where you eat, because you would rather not walk on a delhi belly!

Do you want to learn to cook Indian recipes? Then follow our Indian cooking workshop!

5. The people

Indians are curious, friendly, and colorful. For Dutch standards, they can also be unpalatable, gurgling, chuffing, and urinating in public. You may also go crazy due to large crowds and from people approaching you without respecting personal space, wanting to take a picture with you, or staring (most of the time all this happens only at tourist attractions). There is no bad intention behind this and is done completely out of curiosity. Just dare to politely decline such requests.

6. The culture

The difference between the Netherlands and India is big and many travelers suffer from a culture shock. You will see that time does not exist, you always have to negotiate and yes can also mean no. It is intense to step into a new culture, but it is important that you do so with an open mind. This trip will surely be an educational and special one.

7. The chaotic traffic

You may find yourself in the taxi with trembling hands the first time, however you will quickly get used to the chaotic traffic. The road belongs to everyone: taxis, rickshaws, mopeds, motorbikes, buses, cyclists, pedestrians, and even animals (including elephants sometimes). In the major cities, you hear almost non-stop honking around you and no traffic rules are followed. You will therefore be surprised that this chaotic traffic just works fine and people know what they are doing.

8. Train travel

If you are in India you just have to travel by train once. This is an ideal way to see more of the country and get to know the people better. It is advisable to opt for a first or second-class AC (Air-conditioned) ticket. You may pay a bit more, but you will have a more comfortable journey.

Are you already considering visiting this special country? Write to us in case you have more questions!

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